Typical sprint 1
Est. duration: 2-3 wks
- Header
- Footer
- Page block library system
- Style guide
Initial testing and content entry begin!
This phase is where we take all that we have learned, documented, and designed in the project and begin to build the framework and architecture of your site — the HTML, the CSS, and the other fun programming terms we love to geek out about. 🙂
When this phase is done, it will align with your previously approved deliverables and be complete with intended functionality, an easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS), and subtle animations or movement.
Instead of waiting for the designer to complete every page design, and only then getting started on development, we’ve adopted an agile sprint process.
Your timely approvals of the designs ensures our designer can hand off key portions of the design for the developer to build. Then, they work in parallel to get your website ready for the content entry process sooner.
Est. duration: 2-3 wks
Initial testing and content entry begin!
Est. duration: 2-4 wks
CMS training is scheduled!
Est. duration: 2-3 wks
Browser testing begins!
Est. duration: 1-2 wks
Your content entry should be wrapped up soon!
Your project manager will help you make sure every box is checked, but feel free to bring these items up in your next meeting.
We will begin content entry about 2-3 weeks into the development phase.
Content is the #1 delay for website projects, so don’t let this happen to you.
We’ll need your finalized content documents, images, videos, testimonials, stats, and any other assets that will make content entry effective and complete by this point in our project. Delays to receipt of these items could impact your project.
Are we building forms on the website? — We’ll need form email addresses from you.
Or, are you providing form embed code for your CRM? — We’ll need your embed codes.
Can the forms have thank you pages so we can set up conversion goals in Google Analytics? This is ideal.
Do you want to host the site on your own servers?
Or, would you like Orbit to host the website?
We’ll have a discussion with our Development Team Director to discuss the best options for your organization.
Remember our information about data privacy at the beginning of the project? You’ll need to make a decision about the plan for data privacy compliance before we launch.
If you haven’t done so yet, please engage your attorneys to confirm your compliance needs and let your PM know your requirements.
If you’re managing a large website, you’ll need help getting the website ready for launch.
Gather the team who will assist you with reviewing the content entered, add the remaining content you’re responsible for entering based on the content plan in the Content Workbook, make changes, etc. Create a plan and timeline internally with your team that aligns with your launch and get them onboarded and ready for the CMS training.
This is the step when you’ll see intentional movement such as hover interactions, scrolling animations, and lazy loading (which specifically helps improve page speed).
We always strive to use subtle animation styles that are accessible and add to the web experience without distracting your users.
If you have specific requests, check in with your project manager and designer during your weekly meeting.
After development comes content entry.
Once enough of your new website is built, our content entry team will get to work filling it in with your provided copy, content, and digital assets. Your project plan will include the details of what pages we plan to enter.
So, it’s time to get that content organized and ready!
These are the pros who make all the magic happen. Your website might be programmed by any one, two, or three of these delightful Orbiteers.