Hedge Fund Research


Global hedge fund data provider

Hedge Fund Research (HFR) is a research foundation providing global data for over 300 indices for hedge fund benchmarking and performance measurement needs. HFR has become the chosen single source of hedge fund information and analysis used by firms of all sizes.

The challenge

Complex Salesforce integration & ecommerce configurations

HFR first came to Orbit in 2014 and returned 10 years later for a site refresh. There were some updated project requirements, including:

  • Incorporate ecommerce features
  • Collect more user data and activity
  • Refresh designs and messaging

The solution

Custom web development & improved data tracking

The Orbit team sprung into action to refresh HFR’s site. To meet their new business needs, we leaned heavily into the following updates:

  • Salesforce integration
  • Ecommerce configuration
  • Updated copywriting & design work

Partner with Us

Since 2001, the Orbit web design and development team has been creating custom sites and managing tricky integrations. We’re content management experts and work closely with web strategists and project managers to create your perfect site.