8 Significant Steps To Remarkable Blogging Results

By Kristi Dement

Does your blog consistently provide quality content that gets results? If you want your readers to take action based on your blog posts, then follow these eight steps for remarkable blogging results.

Step 1: The Headline Matters the Most

As stated in Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read a headline, but only 2 out of 10 tend to proceed to read the rest of the post. First impressions really do count!


Step 2: Provide Useful Content           

You are only as valuable online to your blog readers as your content is useful or entertaining. Hopefully your content is both!

  • Do you offer actionable advice that solves your readers’ problems?

Step 3: Make It Visually Appealing

Our minds process visual information much faster than we can by just reading. This Food Network post about their 5 Best Macaroni Salad Recipes shows a colorful picture of a macaroni salad that instantly inspires readers to want to make these delicious looking recipes!

  • Do you have appealing colorful images?
  • Do your pictures relate to your content?
  • Do your pictures inspire the emotion you are seeking from your readers?


Step 4: Be a Story Teller

Telling stories puts you in a position of someone with experience and authority and you instantly become more relatable to your audience.

Step 5: Use Different Formats

Blog posts can include useful lists, video testimonials, amazing infographics, and so much more!

  • Mix up your content formats so that your content never appears stale.
  • For each piece of content, ask yourself the best way to format this particular information.


Step 6: Take a New Approach

Fresh topics or topics addressed from a different angle will stand out to readers.

  • Do not be afraid to challenge commonly accepted opinions with evidence that differs.


Step 7: Quote Experts in Your Field

Quoting people identified as experts in your field gives you instant credibility.

  • Do a round-up blog post where you interview several notables about one particular topic.
  • Video testimonials from celebrities about you, your products, or your service makes you look good. Sales For Life, an authority on social selling, compiled advice from twelve different personalities in their blog post, “Inspire Your Social Selling With These 12 Expert Quotes.”


Step 8: Spread Your Content on Social Media

Social media can amplify your message and cause it to reach others faster than we ever imagined.

  • Regularly promote your own blog posts on the most common social media channels your audience uses. After you create a piece of content, you must share it several times so more of your audience sees it. Check out this online networking guide.
  • Make your content so valuable that they feel compelled to share it with others. In his book Contagious: Why Things Catch On, Jonah Berger says that people share cool things out of a desire to look good in the process. He refers to this as “social currency.”
  • Add a plug-in to your website that makes it easy for others to share your blog posts. WP Chronicles listed The 30 Best WordPress Social Sharing Plug-Ins for 2015. The WordPress plug-in Shareaholic (shown below) is one of them:


Readers, now, it is your turn. Share your tips for creating blogging content that gets results in the comments below.

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