How Can We Help? Let’s Talk!
MarkLogic brings order and clarity to massive databases.
When your product helps clients in dozens of fields make sense of their Big Data, you need a way to organize and categorize your own content to ensure a conversion-oriented user flow while highlighting your expertise. In creating MarkLogic’s new site, we asked ourselves what every customer would need to turn interest into action.
To demonstrate proof of MarkLogic’s data organization system, we highlighted testimonials from some of the world’s most important and largest companies. A customized search bar further helped visitors find the information they need. Because this was a mutlisite project, we implemented tools for tracking conversions across every domain.
MarkLogic helps clients make sense of information. Their site makes sense of their service.
Partner with Us
Since 2001, the Orbit web design and development team has been creating custom sites and managing tricky integrations. We’re content management experts and work closely with web strategists and project managers to create your perfect site.