Digital Content Best Practices

7 Ways to Create (and Promote) Content that Drives Awareness, Engagement and Action

Anybody can put an article on their website. But few people know how to stand out in the inboxes and social streams of your audience. Digital is so crowded, so competitive. A few small changes can mean the difference between tons of traffic and …crickets.

  • How is writing for web different?
  • How is digital content consumed?
  • What type of writing tends to get clicked, opened and read?
  • How do you find the topics that will connect with an audience?
  • Which images will drive more clicks?

During this video, Andy will teach you how to create content that is easy for visitors to consume and easy for you to promote. Insights are based on the creation and promotion of 400+ articles over 12 years.

We will also review content live (yours or your competitors’) and discuss the good and the bad, the clever tricks and missed opportunities.

Once complete, you’ll have the tools and tactics you need to drive ever-greater traffic and engagement.


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