Keyphrases and Content: The SEO Research Workshop for Hands-on Marketers

Pick your battles carefully. The battles you can fight and win. In search, this is called keyphrase research. And it’s step zero in SEO.

Do it well, you’re set up for success. Do it badly, nothing can help you. You are… doomed.

This workshop is a hands-on approach to keyphrases and everything that goes with them:

  • Understanding visitor intent
  • Evaluating competition
  • Search-friendly sitemaps
  • Creating the content that indicates it relevance

We’ll share examples, good and bad, of keyphrase performance in the real world. Having researched thousands of phrases over 19 years, we’re sharing our most effective approaches. Improve this skill and you’ll be forevermore prepared to write and rank well for the rest of your marketing career.

The Breakdown:

  • 2:30 pm – Arrive, grab some coffee and a snack, get settled
  • 2:45 pm – Presentation with breaks
  • 5:00 pm – Q&A and beers or soda provided by Orbit

There are only a few spots available for this one-on-one, in-person training with one of the top experts in search engine optimization.

Get my ticket >

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